Monday, September 1, 2008


A study published in February 1999 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, concluded that youths as young as 15 years old were exhibiting the beginning stages of atherosclerosis. A study done in 1953 on the sames age group reported very little evidence of the fatty streaks in their arteries. These fat streaks are partly responsible for atherosclerosis at any age. In the newest research, these fatty streaks were more prominent in people who had elevated cholesterol levels, or who smoked, but all the young people had the fatty streaks. Sterol-Max can help reduce cholesterol levels in people of all ages. It is not just for adults. Research is showing that because of the fast-food high fat diets of young people, they are in need of having their cholesterol levels lowered. If they continue with smoking and high cholesterol levels, they will begin to exhibit the same health risks that were previously thought to be only for older adults.
*Enriching Gifts International

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