Monday, April 7, 2008


Daily Detoxification from Enriching Gifts International
Our bodies are "potentially" very toxic! Do you exist on a daily diet of fast foods? Do you eat food that has been cooked, boiled, or micro waved from processed for frozen packages? Are you chronically tired or suffer from a disease?
Daily Detoxification
If you said yes to any of the above questions, then you may be "toxic" internally. Toxicity from GI tract is a major problem that can be a disease contributing factor n today's society. Toxicity can result from the undigested processed foods that we consume on a regular basis. Additionally, prescription drugs, antibodies, environmental hazards such as pollutants, chemicals, pesticides and parasites can add to this problem. These factors are constantly attacking our bodies, making us susceptible to illness and disease.

ASSURES- a cleaner, more PH balanced gastrointestinal system and bowel area.
REDUCES - toxicity that accumulates in the bowel and G. I. tract from consuming a processed food diet.
SUPPORTS- the elimination of parasites as well as harmful G.I. tract bacteria.
SUPPLIES- a complete herbal blend to support daily intestinal cleansing and elimination.
INCLUDES-the most effective cleansing herbs available.
DECREASES- the time between bowel eliminations and reduces the toxicity potential as well as constipation.

As a defensive and preventive measure, we all need to cleanse ourselves from these substances by taking Daily Detoxification. This very effective formula helps to rid the body of toxins by increasing the regularity of our bowel movements. By increasing the frequency of eliminations, our system has a chance to recover. Daily Detoxification provides a gentle cleansing from a safe and effective herbs that stimulates a much healthier internal body environment.

"EGI's Daily Detoxification is the most comprehensive and safe detoxification product I've ever experienced. Every person can benefit from taking Daily Detoxification with its safe herbal formulation. Daily Detoxification is effective at cleansing the Gastrointestinal Tract. Toxicity and parasites are a thing of the past with regular use of EGI's PLANT ENZYMES and DAILY DETOXIFICATION." Ronald K Schneider

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